Via translation, the latest INSA poll looks like this:
- CDU/CSU - 39%
- SPD - 28%
- Grüne (Greens) - 11%
- Die Linke (Left) - 8%
- FDP - 4%
- AfD - 3%
- Pirate - 3%
I believe AfD will make the 5% cut. I do not know if FDP will make the cut. If neither makes the cut, an unstable "Grand Coalition" is theoretically possible three ways.
Possible Coalitions if Neither AfD Nor FDP Get 5%
- SPD + Grüne + Die Linke
- CDU/CSU + SPD ("Grand Coalition" with Merkel)
- CDU/CSU + SPD ("Grand Coalition" without Merkel)
Possible Coalitions if AfD, not FDP Gets 5%
- CDU/CSU + AfD (with Merkel)
- CDU/CSU + AfD (without Merkel)
Possible Coalitions if FDP not AfD Gets 5%
- CDU/CSU + FDP (with Merkel)
Again, a grand coalition with SPD is also theoretically possible.
There are numerous combinations if FDP and AfD both get 5%.
One More Merkel Snag
The CDU/CSU-FDP, CDU/CSU-AfD, and CDU/CSU-AfD-FDP possibilities all assume a working majority.
A coalition of CDU/CSU + AfD + FDP would easily have a majority.
A coalition of CDU/CSU + FDP might not have a majority if SDP continues to gain at the expense of CDU/CSU.
Election Not Over
With many sitting the election out and with many undecided voters likely to vote for someone other than CDU/CSU or SPD, this election is hardly over.
Indeed, the mess gets rather complicated if SPD tops 28% and the Greens and Left come close to 10% each. And that outcome is not out of the question.
Merkel should hope that any CDU/CSU slippage goes to FDP and AfD, not anywhere else.
Is CDU/CSU + AfD that bad an option? I think not, but I do not get to vote.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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